Wednesday 5 April 2017

Our Lady of Sorrows - reflection 3

Continuing our meditation on the seven sorrows of the Blessed Mother:
Fifth Sorrow of Mary: Mary sees her beloved Son crucified and dies on the Cross.
Blessed Mother, help us when in our suffering, we start to lose hope.....pray for us.
Blessed Mother, console us when we find suffering too hard to bear, and start to collapse under the burden of pain.....pray for us.
Blessed Mother, remind us always, so that like you, we are ready to encourage others who are failing in their efforts.....pray for us.
Blessed Mother, when we are burdened with the weight of sickness and personal family problems....pray for us.
Sixth Sorrow of Mary: the body of Jesus is brought down from the Cross and laid on Mary’s lap.
Blessed Mother, dry the tears of those mothers who lost children because of violence, tragedy or other illnesses....pray for us.
Blessed Mother, help us when we experience the heart-breaking death of a loved one in our family.....pray for us.
Blessed Mother, be with us at the hour of our death so that we will be saved.....pray for us.
Blessed Mother, bring us to Your Son and pray that He will be a merciful judge....pray for us.

Blessed Mother, you who endured so much suffering because of Your Son Jesus, comfort us in our anxiety and sorrow.....pray for us.

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