Sunday 31 July 2016

23 Things we can’t do

1.   Sow bad habits and reap a good character.
2.   Sow jealousy and hatred and reap love and friendship.
3.   Sow wicked thoughts and reap a clean life.
4.   Sow crime and get away with it.
5.   Sow wrong deeds and live righteously.
5.   Sow dissipation and reap a healthy body.
6.   Sow crooked dealings and succeed indefinitely.
7.   Sow self-indulgence and not show it in your face.
8.   Sow disloyalty and reap loyalty from others.
9.   Sow dishonesty and reap integrity.
10.  Sow profane words and reap clean speech.
11.  Sow disrespect and reap respect.
12.  Sow deception and reap confidence.
13.  Sow intemperance and reap sobriety and temperance.
14.  Sow mental or physical laziness and reap a responsible position in society.
15.   Sow cruelty and reap kindness.
16.   Sow wastefulness and reap thriftiness.
17.   Sow cowardice and reap courage.
18.   Sow destruction of other people’s property and reap protection for your own.
19.  Sow greed and envy and reap generosity.
20.  Sow neglect of the Lord’s house and reap strength in temptation.
21.  Sow neglect of the Bible and reap a well-guided life.
22.  Sow indifference and reap nature’s reward.
23.  Sow human thistles and reap human roses.

St Ignatius of Loyola

The Jesuits had quite an important role in my education and spiritual formation. My spiritual director in the Seminary was a Jesuit as were many of my priest friends. My two nephews were educated in a school run by the Jesuits, and which has actually produced quite a few well‑known people in Malta. Jesuits have provided many good priests, many of whom have dedicated their lives to work in the missions. We thank St Ignatius of Loyola, their founder, whose feast we celebrate today.
St. Ignatius was born in the family castle in Guipúzcoa, Spain, the youngest of 13 children, and was called Iñigo. When he was old enough, he became a page, and then a soldier of Spain to fight against the French. A cannon ball shattered his leg and subsequently, a series of bad operations ended his military career in 1521. While St. Ignatius recovered, he started reading the Bible and the lives of the saints, and decided to dedicate himself to becoming a soldier of the Catholic Faith.
Soon after he experienced visions, but a year later suffered a trial of fears and scruples, driving him almost to despair. Out of this experience he wrote his famous "Spiritual Exercises". After traveling and studying in different schools, he finished in Paris, where he received his degree at the age of 43. Many first hated St. Ignatius because of his humble lifestyle. Despite this, he attracted several followers at the university, including St. Francis Xavier, and soon started his order called The Society of Jesus, or Jesuits.
He was a gifted spiritual director, and has been described by Pope Benedict XVI  as “being above all a man of God and a man of profound prayer who gave the first place of his life to God.” He was very active in fighting the Protestant Reformation and promoting the subsequent Counter‑Reformation. St Ignatius died at the age of 65. He was canonized on March 12, 1622.  There are 38 members of the Society of Jesus who have been declared Saints. So many other Jesuits have become Cardinals, Bishops and great writers, and three years ago, the first Jesuit Jorge Bergoglio became the first Jesuit Pope, Francis.

Friday 29 July 2016

Make me a friend, Lord

This has been a favorite prayer of mine since my seminary years. I share it with you as we end this month of July. May you have God’s blessings and share them with your loved ones close to you.

O Lord, make me a friend with everybody. Make that my presence inspires hope - to all those who suffer and are depressed; to all those searching the light while laboring in darkness; to all those who want to start to love, but don't know how; to all those who want to open their heart to someone, but feel so helpless. Lord, help me so that I won't pass near such people - with an indifferent outlook; with a closed, cold heart; with a hurried disposition. Lord, help me to be always perceptive of those near me. Let me always be aware of those who are confused, depressed and worried. Make me so much as feel what they're feeling, and give me the courage to inspire peace in their hearts. Lord, set me free from myself, so that I can serve you faithfully, so that I can listen to Your voice in every person I come in contact with.

Thursday 28 July 2016

St Martha

Vincenzo Campi -  "Saint Martha"
I always had a soft spot for St Martha. She was criticized by Jesus for not sitting down at his feet and listen to Him as her sister Mary did. Poor Martha was respecting the rules of hospitality, and having such an honored guest, she was probably preparing some snacks to serve when Jesus arrived, possibly unexpected. This painting by Vincenzo Campi gives Martha a lot of reason to complain, as she had a quite a meal to prepare, with fish, poultry, artichokes, cabbage, cauliflower, beans, carrots and all kinds of vegetables. Of course it may be exaggerated, but is funny in a way. But whenever I look at it, and see Jesus talking to Mary in the background, I always feel sorry for poor Martha. I would say “Hey Lord, first things first - let’s just prepare a few snacks for us all, and then we can sit and chit-chat, while nibbling on the snacks, or feast on the big meal that Martha probably prepared.” St Martha is the patron saint of housekeepers, housewives and waitresses

Wednesday 27 July 2016

World Youth Day in Krakow, Poland

The World Youth Day is being held between July 27 and 31 in Krakow, Poland, the home of Pope St John Paul II. His private secretary, Cardinal Dziwisz in a homily he delivered recently said young people had come to Krakow from peaceful countries, "where families are communities of love and life and where young people can pursue their dreams, but also from countries whose people are suffering due to wars and other kinds of conflicts, where children are starving to death and where Christians are brutally persecuted."
He added that young Catholics would bring to World Youth Day their experiences of "living the Gospel in a difficult world, as well as their "fears and disappointments, hopes and yearning, and desire to live in a more human, more fraternal and loving world. Among us are young pilgrims from parts of the world that are ruled by violence and blind terrorism, and where authorities usurp power over man and nations, following insane ideologies. May the flame of love engulf our world and rid it of egoism, violence and injustice, so that a civilization of good, reconciliation, love and peace will be strengthened on our earth."

Pope Francis arrived in Krakow July 27 on his first visit to Poland. He was scheduled to travel to the former Nazi concentration camp of Auschwitz-Birkenau during his stay, as well as leading an open-air Mass at the country's Jasna Gora national sanctuary. He planned to pray before the relics of St. Faustina at Krakow's Divine Mercy center. The schedule is pretty full for all those attending, and will include Catechetical sessions, meetings with the Pope, Stations of the Cross, visits to various pilgrimage sites, Vigil with the Pope and the final Papal Mass on Sunday.

Tuesday 26 July 2016

Let us pray and remember......

Abbe Jacques Hamel (1930-2016)
We honor today a priest martyred earlier today in his humble church at St Etienne du Rouvray, France. Residents and parishioners reacted with shock and sadness to the killing of Fr Jacques Hamel, a well-known figure in the community. Among the comments shared yesterday after this senseless killing were these: "My family has lived here for 35 years and we have always known him." "He was someone who was treasured by the community. He was very discreet and didn't like to draw attention to himself." "Everyone knew him very well. He was very loved in the community and a kind man." Born in 1930 and ordained a priest in 1958, the 85-year-old priest was killed and four other people were taken hostage by two armed men who stormed his church in a suburb of Rouen in northern France. The two attackers, who said they were from the so-called Islamic State, slit Fr Jacques Hamel's throat during a morning Mass, officials say. Police later surrounded the church, in St-Etienne-du-Rouvray, and shot dead both hostage-takers. The attack happened during morning Mass at the historic church, situated in the quite square of this town. 
St Etienne du Rouvray in Normandy, north France
One nun who witnessed the attack, said that the men forced Fr Hamel to his knees and recorded the killing, speaking Arabic as they did so. She says she fled as they were preparing to kill him. Let us pray for an end to this senseless killing and violence, especially as it hit France and Germany over the last few weeks.

Monday 25 July 2016


We honor today St Joachim and St Anne, the parents of the Blessed Mother and grandparents of Jesus. In their honor, I offer this prayer for grandparents:
Almighty God, we pay tribute today to the role of grand parenthood. So many grandparents nowadays are raising their own grandchildren, because their own parents either failed, or are too busy, or are separated or divorced. At a time when they thought that their work was done, they take over more responsibilities with patience, love and determination. May the images of St Joachim and St Anne be an inspiration to these grandparents, as they reflect on the love and affection they showed in raising their daughter Mary, the Mother of our Savior. And who knows how happy they were to see baby Jesus being born, raised and loved by his own parents. Who knows how often they baby-sat for him, and they must have been so proud of him, as they admired him growing up as a toddler, a young man and eventually leaving home for his official mission. We pray for all grandparents that they may find the courage and strength to honor their role in protecting, guiding and inspiring their grandchildren, and may they be an example of faith and fortitude for them.

Sunday 24 July 2016

Saint James

James and his brother John left their boat and even their father behind, and followed Jesus. The first thing James saw after he followed Jesus was his teaching with authority in the synagogue and the cure of Simon's mother‑in‑law. We all know that Jesus was the focus of James' life from then on, but it is also evident that James held a special place in Jesus' life. He was chosen by Jesus to be one of the 12, given the mission to proclaim the good news, and authority to heal and cast out demons. But even among the apostles he held a special place. When Jesus raised Jairus' daughter when all thought her dead, he only allowed James, John, and Peter to come with him. Even more important when he went up to the mountain to pray, he wanted James, John, and Peter to go with him. And it was there on the mountain they were privileged to witness what no one else had seen ‑‑ Jesus transfigured in his glory, speaking to Moses and Elijah. And with Simon Peter, James and John were the only ones of the apostles that Jesus gave a special name: Sons of Thunder.
It's no wonder then that James, along with John, felt that he had the right to go to Jesus and ask him to give them whatever they asked. When their mother asked Jesus to give them preferential treatment, they didn't see the cross in his future, but an earthly throne. But despite all these misunderstandings, it was still James, Peter, and John that Jesus chose to join him in prayer at the Garden of Gethsemane for his final prayer before his arrest. It must have hurt Jesus that the three of them fell asleep on this agonizing evening.
Santiago de Compostela in Spain
James did drink of the cup Jesus drank of, all too shortly after the Resurrection. The Acts of the Apostles tells us that James was one of the first martyrs of the Church. King Herod Agrippa killed him with a sword in an early persecution of the Church. There is a story that the man who arrested James became a convert after hearing James speak at his trial and was executed with him. James is called James the Greater because another younger apostle was named James. St James evangelized in Spain before he died and the cult of St James in Santiago de Campostela is well known as people make a long pilgrimage to visit his Cathedral in northwest Spain.

Stay with me Lord.

Stay with me Lord, for it is necessary to have You present so that I do not forget you. You know how easily I abandon You.
Stay with me Lord, because I am weak and I need Your strength that I may not fall so often.
Stay with me Lord, for You are my life and without You I am without fervor.
Stay with me Lord, for You are my Light and without You I am in darkness.
Stay with me Lord, to show me Your will.
Stay with me Lord, so that I hear Your voice and follow You.
Stay with me Lord, for I desire to love You very much and always be in Your company.
Stay with me Lord, if You wish me to be faithful to You.
Stay with me Lord, as poor as my soul is I want it to be a place of consolation for You, a nest of Love.
St Pio of Pietralcina

Friday 22 July 2016

Fill us with your Mercy

Let the tender touch of your mercy, Lord, probe the secrets of our hearts and lead our hearts to yours, in peace.
Let the perfect patience of your mercy, Lord, make us slow to judge our neighbor and quick to forgive those who offend us.
Let the wisdom of your mercy, Lord, guide our thoughts and plans and shape our hopes and dreams.
Let the healing of your mercy, Lord, bind our wounds and hurts and mend our broken lives.
Let the kindness of your mercy, Lord, shape the ties that make us one and the bond that makes us strong.
Let the fidelity of your mercy, Lord, help us teach the faith we have received and find the faith we need.
Let the constancy of your mercy, Lord, keep us faithful to your word and to the teachings of our church.
Let the depth of your mercy, Lord, resound within our hearts and in every word we speak. Amen.

Thursday 21 July 2016

St Mary Magdalen

Did you know that St Mary Magdalen got upgraded this year? Pope Francis decided to elevate her celebration of daily Mass as a feast, not just as a memorial as was before. This decision should reflect more deeply on the dignity of women, the New Evangelization, and the greatness of the mystery of Divine Mercy. Mary Magdalene was the first witness to the Resurrection, and is the one who announced the event to the Apostles. She is an example of true and authentic evangelization; she is an evangelist who announces the joyful central message of Easter. The Holy Father Francis took this decision precisely in the context of the Jubilee of Mercy to signify the importance of this woman who showed a great love for Christ and was much loved by Christ.
Mary Magdalene is mentioned as one of the women who ministered to Jesus. The same passage also refers briefly to an act of exorcism performed on her, on an occasion when seven demons were cast out. These women, who earlier "had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities", later accompanied Jesus on his last journey to, and were witnesses to the Crucifixion. She was also the privileged first person to see Jesus risen from the tomb, an honor that was not given to any of the 12 apostles, but only to Mary Magdalene, probably in a way of thanking her for staying with Jesus till the end at the foot of the cross. This is the last mention in the Gospels of Mary of Magdala, who now returned to Jerusalem. She is probably included in the group of women who joined the Apostles in the Upper Room in Jerusalem after Jesus' Ascension and may have also been with the Blessed Mother at Pentecost.
Tradition as early as the third century identifies Mary Magdalene with Mary of Bethany and with the woman sinner who anointed Jesus' feet, even though she remains unnamed. The identification of Mary Magdalene with Mary of Bethany and "the woman who was a sinner" is reflected in an influential sermon Pope Gregory I gave in 591, which said: "She whom Luke calls the sinful woman, whom John calls Mary of Bethany, we believe to be the Mary from whom seven devils were ejected according to Mark.” 

Wednesday 20 July 2016

Maltese paintings in churches

Death of St Joseph by  Anton Inglott
We look today at some of the magnificent paintings in Maltese churches, which are visible all year long, on ceilings, apses, side altars and just about wherever there is an open space. However during festa week, and especially during the time when the procession is going on in the streets of the respective village, the church is on full display and the paintings are well lit, which allows any photographer to feast in their glory, as I did. 
The Marriage of Joseph and Mary by Emvin Cremona
These paintings are by Maltese artists, especially in this church of Msida, by Emvin Cremona and Anton Inglott. The first one shows the death of St Joseph by Inglott, placed in the main apse, while the others are by Cremona in the ceiling and on the sides, as well as a dome painting in the Balzan church. Inglott died very young and did not leave many works, but Cremona was more prolific and I have a huge collection of photos of just about every religious painting he did. 
'St Paul' around the dome, by Emvin Cremona

Tuesday 19 July 2016

Inside our Maltese churches

Parish Church of St Joseph, Msida, Malta
Yesterday I showed you some photos of the outside lighting of some churches in Malta during festa week. Today's photos show what they look like on the inside, just as spectacular and splendid, dressed up in their finest outfit. The tapestry that is on the walls gives the church a reverent and warm look, and besides, the gold and silver chalices, ciboria and plates are displayed during this week for everyone to admire. Chandeliers are hanging all year round, but most of them are covered during the year. 
Choir loft and organ at Balzan church
Artwork is just about everywhere, especially on ceilings, apses and side altars. An elaborate organ is usually in the back, around a choir loft from where choirs usually perform during services. Please do click on each photo to enlarge and admire. They make great desktop backgrounds and screen savers.

Monday 18 July 2016

Festa time in Malta

The parish church at Msida, celebrating the feast of Saint Joseph
The season of the Maltese festa is at its peak right now, with two to four celebrations being held in different parishes each week. It is a week-long celebration with the culmination coming on Sunday evening with the procession of the titular statue of that particular parish. I’ve been visiting some of these parishes on Sundays and over the next few days I will be sharing some fabulous photos of the churches, decorated at their very best. 
The parish of Balzan celebrating the feast of the Annunciation
No explanation is needed other than to appreciate the sacrifice that so many people go through to decorate their churches, their streets and make their festa (Maltese for feast) the best ever. And at the end, it’s hard to choose which is the best, because every parish has something special and unique to offer. These photos show the decorated, lit-up church on the outside.

Sunday 17 July 2016

Prayer before bedtime

I have used this prayer before, and recently I translated it into Maltese and spread it out among the people I meet at Mass. It was quite a hit, and so here it is again. It comes in very handy at night:
As my head rests on my pillow, let my soul rest in your mercy.
As my limbs relax on my mattress, let my soul relax in your peace.
As my body finds warmth beneath the blankets, let my soul find warmth in your love.
As my mind is filled with dreams, let my soul be filled with visions of heaven.                       

Prayer to Mary to protect our families

Madonna and child - Orazio Gentileschi 1640
Our Mother Mary, Queen of the Family, we would like to trust our future into your hands, and pray that you stay with us. These are extraordinary days, a time of technological progress and great contradictions. We have in our hands various means which can alter even nature’s process. We are at crossroads and can fall victims to pride and egoism. We know there is no salvation except being close to Jesus, your Son. We have to learn to trust Him too, so that we can do what he instructs us to do.
Most Blessed Mother, we want to take you into our homes, just as John the Apostle did. There you can encourage us and motivate us as we strive to be filled with the gifts of the Holy Spirit. To you most loving Mother, we entrust all our families. Stand by us, so that our words and actions will always be to the glory and praise of God, the Creator of Life and Love. Amen.

Friday 15 July 2016

Our Lady, Undoer of Knots

Since 1700, an unknown artist’s painting of Our Lady has been venerated in the Church of St. Peter in Perlack, Germany. It was originally inspired by a meditation of Saint Irenaeus (Bishop of Lyon and martyred in 202) based on the parallel made by Saint Paul between Adam and Christ. Saint Irenaeus, in turn, made a comparison between Eve and Mary, saying: “Eve, by her disobedience, tied the knot of disgrace for the human race; whereas Mary, by her obedience, undid it”. Pope Francis is well known in Argentina and Brazil for promoting devotion to Our Lady Undoer of Knots which has been a source of healing and grace for countless families. This devotion can be traced back to his time as a student in Germany when he came across the early 18th-century painting showing Mary calmly undoing the knots in a long rope
‘But what are these knots? They are the problems and struggles we face for which we do not see any solution. Knots of discord in your family, lack of understanding between parents and children, disrespect, violence, the knots of deep hurts between husband and wife, the absence of peace and joy at home. They are also the knots of anguish and despair of separated couples, the dissolution of the family, the knots of a drug addict son or daughter, sick or separated from home or God, knots of alcoholism, the practice of abortion, depression, unemployment, fear, solitude, depression...…Ah, the knots of our life! How they suffocate the soul, beat us down and betray the heart’s joy and separate us from God.’
The devotion to Mary Undoer of Knots is not new but is becoming more and more known in many different countries, and the Novena has been printed in 19 languages, as well as in Braille. In the last 4 years, the Sanctuary of Mary Undoer of Knots in Perlack, Germany has welcomed more than 600,000 pilgrims from all over the world. So today, give your knots to Mary, your sadness, your turmoil, your depression, your anguish, and trust that she will untie them for you.
Mary, Mother to whom God entrusted the undoing of the knots in the lives of his children, I entrust into your hands the ribbon of my life. In your hands there is no knot that cannot be undone. Powerful Mother, by your grace and intercessory power with Your Son and My Liberator, Jesus, take into your hands today this knot. [Mention your request here]
I beg you to undo it for the glory of God, once for all. You are my hope.
O my Lady, you are the only consolation God gives me, the fortification of my feeble strength, the enrichment of my destitution, and, with Christ, the freedom from my chains. Hear my plea. Keep me, guide me, protect me, o safe refuge! 
Mary, Undoer of Knots, pray for me. Amen.

Thursday 14 July 2016

Praying for Nice

The scene on the Nice promenade yesterday after the terrorist attack
Yet another horrific tragedy hit the country of France. 84 people have been killed in southern France Thursday evening, after a truck reportedly drove into a crowd of people celebrating Bastille Day. Anti-terror police were on the streets as crowds fled the scene of the crash, in a country still tense after a string of devastating attacks. As France and the world follows the Tour de France these weeks, and after hosting a successful Euro 2016 Soccer Tournament, we pray today for the innocent victims,most of whom were watching the fireworks display, let off during the evening of national days, as was the case yesterday evening, Bastille Day in France.
Let us pray for the innocent victims, their families and the entire French nation, struggling with its third major attack in a year and a half. 

Wednesday 13 July 2016

The Power of Prayer

When we feel all hope has gone, and we slip into despair,
A good friend may remind us, there is the power of prayer.
Life has no further meaning: we have no wish to carry on,
Distraught has taken over our loved ones, dead and gone.

At the time we may feel angry, and say, Lord, it is not fair.
Then we get the inner feeling there is the power of prayer.
In the past we may not realize what the power of prayer can do.
Until we face the crosses that saddens me and you.

Each and everyone of us have borne misery and tears,
The power of prayer is always there to heal our hidden fears.
A loved one may have left us, for a reason we do not know.
Only prayer can help us, the progress can be slow.

It is said that prayer moves mountains: we believe it very true.
If that belief is strong enough, peace will come to me and you.
When the trials of life catch upon us, and we find it hard to bear,
Do not despair! Help is there! It is the power of prayer.

The time may be delayed, but the answer is sure to come,
The feeling of an inner peace is felt when day is done,
With our troubles all behind us; all the hurts we could not bear,
All our peace of mind returned – through the power of prayer.

Tuesday 12 July 2016

Prayer for those who feel alone

Lord God, bless and protect those who are suffering because they feel alone and lonely. There are people who seem to be cut off from everyone. Bless those for whom there seems to be no hope. There are others who seem to feel so unworthy of everything. Send them your Light from heaven so that their heart feels stronger. Lead them in the road of peace and happiness. Amen.

Prayer for spiritual strength

Heavenly Father, I ask for your help today to accept whatever you have in store for me.   Give me your light as the darkness of the unknown sometimes overwhelms me. Give me hope as the future appears unsure and unpredictable. Give me strength as I try to focus my energy on You and your constant support. Give me patience to wait for miracles that will eventually lift my spirit. And give me another opportunity to trust that You will always guide me in the right path. Amen.

Sunday 10 July 2016

A prayer from St Benedict

A statue of St. Benedict in the Basilica of San Paolo fuori le Mura, Rome.
Today is the feast day of Saint Benedict, the father of the Monastic Movement. I came across this beautiful prayer written by St Benedict, and here it is for your reflection and meditation:

Father, in Your goodness, grant me
- the intellect to comprehend You, the perception to discern You, the reason to appreciate You. 

In Your kindness, endow me with
- the diligence to look for You,  the wisdom to discover You, and the spirit to apprehend You.      
In Your graciousness, bestow on me
- a heart to contemplate You, ears to hear You,  eyes to see You, a tongue to speak of You. 

In Your mercy confer on me
- a conversation pleasing to You, the patience to wait for You,  the perseverance to long for You. Grant me a perfect end, and Your holy presence. Amen.

Pray for others

    Somewhere in the old world
Someone depends on you to pray.
    They may not even realize
Your prayers helped them through the day.

    And if you ever marvel
At how you always make it through,
You can be sure that somewhere
    Someone prays for you.

It’s often our prayers for others
   that God is tuned to hear,
And just a little prayer for someone
   Will draw Him very near.

Friday 8 July 2016

Prayer from my mother

I found this simple prayer in my mother’s prayer books, and I share it with you today:
Oh my God, you love me, you’re with me night and day.
I want to love you always in all I do and say.
I’ll try to please you Father. Bless me throughout this day.

Thursday 7 July 2016

Prayer when depressed

Lord, I am depressed. I have lost my vision and life seems meaningless. I don’t know where I am going, and can hardly keep on. I would like things to be different, but I am not sure how. I wish I was somewhere else, that there was someone to turn to. That I felt You are truly near. Lord, I know that these are circumstances that you have given me and that I must live with them, but it doesn’t seem humanly possible. So please give me vision again and a sense of purpose. Make me realize that you are with me when I am depressed, guiding and helping even though I may not know it. I ask this for the sake of your Son, who also knew the misery of human frustration.

Wednesday 6 July 2016

Cristiano Ronaldo - the unknown story

Cristiano Ronaldo with his mother Dolores
He may be one of the best soccer players that ever lived, and his team just reached the finals of the Euro 2016 Cup thanks to another of his goals, but Cristiano Ronaldo looks back before he was born and thanks his mother for a decision that could have changed soccer history. His mother Dolores Aveiro in a book entitled ‘Madre Coraje,’ (Mother’s Courage) says that she went to the doctor in Madeira, Portugal and told the doctor "I want to have an abortion, but the doctor did not support my decision." Having a fourth child was a problem for the difficult economic situation that was going through her family. "I am nervous and scared," she told the doctor, but his response was "In no way! You have only thirty years and no physical reason why may not have that baby. Try to see it already as the joy of your house!" Dolores went home and tried a home remedy from a neighbor to expel the embryo. But it did not work. In the end, the strength of the family’s faith won this battle and Dolores Aveiro continued with her pregnancy, a decision that would change her unborn child’s life forever. "If the will of God is that this child is born, so be it," said the mother of the Real Madrid striker. 
Cristiano (in striped shirt) with members of his family
A few months later the small Cristiano Ronaldo was born on February 5, 1985, who brought "a certain joy to our home" as Dolores agreed. His father José Dinis Aveiro was a municipal gardener, while his mother was a cook. He has one older brother, Hugo, and two older sisters, Elma and Liliana Cátia. Cristiano spent most of his childhood playing soccer in the streets of Madeira (Portugal), and even though his teacher told him that football would not create a future for him, but he would not listen. His dream became a reality when the Sporting Lisbon signed him when he was a kid. Then he joined Manchester United in 2003, after the manager Ferguson saw him play with Sporting Lisbon against Manchester United. In 2009, he was transferred to Real Madrid, and the rest is history.

Tuesday 5 July 2016

Church ceiling paintings

Most baroque churches in Malta have their ceilings painted with beautiful religious images and stories, frequently related to the Saint of that particular parish. The church of Sacro Cuor I visited last Sunday has images of the Blessed Mother, done by a prolific local artist Paul Camilleri Cauchi. I was told that most of these paintings are done on a canvas, and then glued to the ceiling, quite a delicate process. 
Paul Camilleri Cauchi comes from a family of painters and sculptors. Both his father and brothers are well-known sculptors who work with wood, stone as well as paper-mache. Paul is a prolific painter, having his work displayed in many other churches on our island. (Click on each photo to enlarge)

Monday 4 July 2016

Photos from a Maltese festa

I visited another parish this past weekend during the evening procession with the statue of the Blessed Mother known as Sacro Cuor (Sacred Heart of Mary.) As you can see it is another beautiful statue with Mary carrying baby Jesus, and the church is yet another splendid Baroque church dressed to its very best. This particular parish is run by the Franciscans and is one of 4 parishes in the one big town called Sliema, adjacent to my home parish of St. Julian’s. The exquisite paintings adorn the entire ceiling were done by a Maltese artist. More on these in tomorrow's blog.
The statue of the Blessed Mother in procession
The statue was carried in procession through the streets of the town, accompanied by marching bands. Fireworks were let off later in the evening, and the statue returned to the church by 10 PM, where Benediction is held and another festa has ended. But there will be more next weekend, at least 3 to 4 festas every weekend between now and the middle of September.
Mary and baby Jesus